Neuroscience Clubs


AXON Neuroscience Clubs

has catered to over 105 college students since our creation. We believe that the mind controls how well we show up in our daily lives, hence a healthy mind will create a good life. We are committed to investing into the “life of the mind”. We currently have two chapters in the USA and we plan to grow and make our presence felt


We are a Neuroscience & Psychology student organization under the "AXON Neuroscience Foundation" with chapters across USA universities. We empower and enrich minds through mental health education


To serve as a pipeline to bring the ever-evolving fields of Neuroscience and Psychology closer to students and faculty, especially those from minority-serving institutions


We bring together students and faculty across all disciplines who share an interest in neuroscience or psychology to foster community, collaboration, conversations, and opportunities


Vita le mentis (Latin meaning “the life of the mind”)

Our Goals/Objectives:

  • We use neuroscience and psychology to give back to our community by enriching the minds of students and faculty through education on how the state of our mind affects our daily living

  • We champion neurodiversity especially concerning differing thought patterns and cultural backgrounds of the people we serve

  • Serve as a pathway to explore neuroscience and psychology related careers by having seminars with experienced resource persons

  • Provide a guide to applying for neuroscience & psychology-related internships & graduate-school programs to improve students' professional growth

  • Expose our community to mental wellness concepts like emotional intelligence, imposter syndrome, and other topics which are not widely talked about

  • Invite neuroscience researchers to give talks to grant students a window into the present advancements in the fields of neuroscience and psychology

  • Recognize mental health awareness months and hold events/seminars/marches in that regard

  • Organize hackathons to expose students to concepts in neuroscience & psychology

  • Carry out community outreach initiatives to high schools, not-for-profit organizations, and psychiatric units

  • Maintain a running document of information containing neuroscience and psychology-related opportunities


We believe in upholding non-discriminatory practices and in celebrating the uniqueness of each individual


We are not currently affiliated with any external organizations